Does KastKing Have Saltwater Rods and Saltwater Reels?
Here’s a story about KastKing saltwater fishing rods and KastKing saltwater fishing reels by an avid saltwater angler.
Before I started working with KastKing I was a customer. I wanted a fishing reel and took to the internet to find one. I wanted one that matched my current fishing rod setup and came across KastKing. I reached out and one thing led to another. I started working for the company and one of the first questions some of my friends would ask is if the fishing rods and fishing reels were saltwater rated. I did not know the answer. I just always cleaned and maintained my fishing gear and never thought about if it was usable for saltwater fishing or not. However, nowadays there are saltwater rated rods and reels out there and, yes KastKing does make saltwater fishing rods and saltwater fishing reels but the question goes deeper than that.

You see, when designing any fishing product you have to take into account whether or not the fishing gear will be used in a saltwater environment. Chances are the gear will be. As an example, even if you don’t fish salty environments - having those fancy stainless steel super polished smooth shielded ball bearings in your fishing reel… that could be used in the salt… - sounds more reassuring than using gear with just regular ball bearings.
KastKing implemented a plan to only produce fishing reels that could be saltwater approved. Sure, some fishing tackle will be more saltwater resistant than others, but at least you have the peace of mind that with a simple fresh water rinse and air dry after a saltwater trip your fishing equipment will last a long time. Of course we always recommend proper care, cleaning, and maintenance no matter where a KastKing product is used.

So yes, KastKing does in fact offer a variety of saltwater rated fishing gear. In fact, KastKing offers more than just fishing rods and fishing reels, both spinning reels and baitcasting reels, that are saltwater approved and we make sure to test those products as well. For example our fishing pliers, as well as reels, rods, and their components are subjected to a salt spray test for days. This helps test just how saltwater resistant they are. They must meet our standards before we make them available to the public for sale. When shopping for your next saltwater rod or saltwater reel take a look and see just what goes into the make-up of the product you are about to buy. In any event KastKing products are backed by a no hassles warranty.
By Shane Coovert, KastKing Content Manager